A model of collaboration
This is a new project, realized with the contribution of the Umbria Region, the result of the joint commitment of eight cities (Foligno, Assisi, Valtopina, Todi, Baschi, Montecchio, Alviano, Avigliano Umbro, with the support of Acquasparta) and fourteen museums, which have created an extraordinary model of collaboration, a network between public institutions and private subjects at the service of Culture.
Why Water?
Umbria is rich in water… Umbria and water have always been strictly linked. Think of the importance of the River Tiber, for example. Men always had to deal with water, the fundamental element that shaped the Region. Peoples have tried to regulate flows, floods, capturing water from springs and bringing it to the cities thanks to aqueducts, such as the Sanguinone of Assisi.
In Umbria, water is also being exalted as the main element of the natural parks of the area (Tiber, Lake Alviano, Lake Corbara, Palude di Colorito), evoked in the amazing remains of the Fossil Forest of Dunarobba or even called “sister” in the words of St. Francis of Assisi.
Umbria is a land that saw water as the main and oldest means of intra-regional connection and boasts, among its unique features, ancient roads and paths that today are part of wonderful itineraries to be explored on foot or by bicycle.


The project enjoys the support of the City of Acquasparta