The Naturalistic Museum is situated inside one of the sheds (“Casermetta”) built in 1882 and used for military storage. From 1939 to September 1943 the barracks became internment camps for Albanian prisoners, Italian politicians and Montenegrin civilian internees. All the information material, collected and organized in panels, is about the geomorphological evolution, fossil peculiarities, the botanical, vegetational and faunal characteristics of the plateau of Colfiorito. The naturalistic section of the museum preserves and exhibits collections of insects in entomological boxes, the herbarium of the swamp and stuffed animals of the highlands. Collections are accompanied by educational panels that explain the biology of the Park’s flora and fauna. Despite the small area, the Colfiorito Park expresses a variety of species of absolute value and is an important site for the wintering, migration and nesting of bird species of great conservation interest, a wetland protected according to the Ramsar Convention.

Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9.00-13.00

Free entry

Info and reservations:
+39 0742 681011



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